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Because we care as much as you
1. Q – I received a Form 1095-B and a Form 1095-C. Why did I receive these forms?
A – Employers and insurance carriers as well as entities like the 1095B Client are required to send out these forms. The forms you received are for the health coverage you had in 2015. Your employer sends the Form1095-C and the 1095B Client sends the Form 1095-B. Non-Medicare eligible retirees with Retired Employees Health Program (REHP) coverage only receive the Form 1095-B from the 1095B Client.
2. Q – What is the Form 1095-B?
A – Your Form 1095-B is the Health Coverage form. It has information you’ll need to report on your tax return. The information basically shows whether or not you’ve had qualifying health insurance coverage. In the eyes of the IRS, this is referred to as Minimum Essential Coverage. If you don’t have Minimum Essential Coverage, you may have to pay a penalty when you file your annual tax return. The Form 1095-B reports the type of coverage you have, the dependents that are covered by your insurance and the period of coverage for the prior year.
3. Q – What is the Form 1095-C?
A – The Form 1095-C is the Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer & Coverage Form. Applicable Large Employers are required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to send these forms. The form contains information about the health insurance your employer offered to you, your spouse and dependents.
4. Q -Why did I get a Form 1095-B and a Form1095-C?
A – Employers and insurance carriers as well as entities like the 1095B Client are required to send out these forms. Your State/Commonwealth sends the Form 1095-C and the 1095B Client sends the Form 1095-B.
5. Q -How do I include this information with my taxes?
A – Good news! This is no longer required to be included with your tax return.
6. Q -Why did I get so many forms?
A – Employers, unions, trusts, and insurance carriers are required to send them. If you worked for another employer you likely received multiple forms.
7. Q – I noticed my information is incorrect on the form. How do I correct the information?
A – We can only help you with forms that we produced. Please contact us to obtain a corrected form.
8. Q – Why didn’t I get a form?
A – Only eligible or enrolled employees and non-Medicare eligible retirees receive the forms.
9. Q – How do I get a replacement form?
A – While we are happy to provide you with a replacement form please note these are no longer required to be included with your tax return.
10. Q – Who is ACA Managed Services?
A – ACA Managed Services is an Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance administration company. ACA Managed Services is part of HR Best Practices – a health insurance services organization that has been working with employers and insurance organizations since 2001.
11. Q – What is your privacy policy?
A – Refer to policy
12. Q – Will you shred any copies of my Form 1095 and destroy my personal data?
A – Yes. We take data privacy quite seriously and will destroy your information by the end of the reporting year.
13. Q – How do I know if I have to pay the individual responsibility penalty?
A – This is no longer applicable.
14. Q – What if I can’t afford to pay the individual responsibility penalty?
A – This is no longer applicable.
15. Q – What if I don’t pay the individual responsibility penalty?
A – This is no longer applicable.
16. Q – How much is the penalty?
A - This is no longer applicable.
17. Q – How do I add or drop a dependent from coverage?
A – ACA Managed Services is not a Plan Administrator therefore, is not able to answer specific questions related to plan participation. You should contact the HR Service Center or your local HR office.
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