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We Help Employers Mitigate Financial and Public Relations Risk 


We help employers mitigate financial and public relations risk through the delivery of our outsourced ACA compliance administration solution.  A critical component of our solution is human capital data aggregation and reconciliation, both of which are core competencies of our sister company, HR Best Practices.


In fact, since 2001 our core team has been integrating and auditing: time & attendance, health & welfare eligibility, enrollment, COBRA, HRIS and claims data on behalf of large employer health plans including: AirFrance, Arch Diocese, BMW, DocGo, DressBarn, EmblemHealth, Evonik, Howard County Public Schools, Medco, MetLife, NJ Transit, NYU Langone Hospital, NYU School of Medicine, ShopRite, Staples, Viacom and Zurich NA among many others.   In addition, because of our ability to deliver on-time and within budget, large institutions including Ceridian and a leading Blue Cross Blue Shield carrier as well as numerous insurance brokers throughout America have aligned their organizations with us.


Net, net our 22 plus years of relevant expertise translates into a "right first time" solution at a very affordable price.


So, if you're concerned about potential financial and/or public relations risks, and you seek to outsource ACA compliance administration, than please call us today at 201.891.8010 or send us an email to  We will be happy to schedule a web-based demo of our secure, cloud-based solution.  Thank you for your interest.

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